Information Clothed Nude Main site Blog

Underwater photography Canberra

by D-eye Photography

Model: Schanae, Photographer: Brett Sargeant, D-eye Photography


I offer:



  • minimum 15 images
  • 1.5 hour photo session
  • $1,250


  • minimum 40 images
  • 3 hour photo session
  • $2,000

*A discount applies if you have access to a suitable pool that we can use.

Model: Christine, Photographer: Brett Sargeant, D-eye Photography Model: Roarie Yum, Photographer: Brett Sargeant, D-eye Photography Model: Kedori, Photographer: Brett Sargeant, D-eye Photography
Model: Lutetium (Kitty Toxin), Photographer: Brett Sargeant, D-eye Photography Model: Stefania Ferrario, Photographer: Brett Sargeant, D-eye Photography Model: Cheryl Choe, Photographer: Brett Sargeant, D-eye Photography

Contact Me

Canberra, ACT, Australia

p: 0428 542646


If you haven't received an email back from me within a couple of days, please check your junk mail folder.